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Are you sure you want to cancel your membership?

If you cancel you will no longer be able to get premium VIP access to all your favorite chat sites with a single hugely discounted membership. Also, if you cancel you will be unable to upgrade again until your current subscription expires.

Why are you canceling VIPchatpass?


Are you sure you want to cancel your membership?

Warning: If you proceed to cancel you will no longer be able to get premium VIP access to all your favorite chat sites with a single hugely discounted membership.

Warning: If you proceed to cancel you will be unable to upgrade again until your current subscription expires.

We will send a cancelation request to the billing email associated with your account. Please allow up to 15 minutes to receive this email for your cancelation request. Once received please follow the link in the email to easily complete your cancelation request.

Join now to save up to 50%

Choose your Chat Pass Plan

1 week

rebills monthly at $19.99

SAVE 37%
1 month

rebills monthly at $49.99

SAVE 50%
3 months

rebills every 3 months at $119.97


Thank you! Purchase Successful

Now it is time to start enjoying your new all access VIP Chat Pass on your favorite sites.
Your Chat Pass Code: pending...


Please make sure to save this code and do not share it with anyone.

A receipt for the purchase you have made today is being sent to your email. Please check your email for further details.

Selected Plan


Today’s Charge

$ ()

Purchase ID

